This is the moment a King’s Guard gives a tourist a royal scare as he shouts in her face when she tries to get a picture with him. More than 27million people have watched the clip of the soldier’s explosive reaction outside Buckingham Palace. The clip, posted on TikTok channel thekingsguardsofficial, shows a woman leaning in for a photo with the guard, who is dressed in full armour. He then stamps his foot and turns towards her, holding a large sword, and bellows: ‘Do not touch the King’s Life Guard!’ The reaction prompted debate among social media users as to whether the shouting was justified.
The clip, posted on TikTok channel thekingsguardsofficial, shows a woman leaning in for a photo with the guard, who is dressed in full armor
He then stamps his foot and turns towards her, holding a large sword, and bellows: ‘Do not touch the King’s Life Guard!’
One wrote: ‘He’s not a show attraction he’s there to guard the King. Got a job to do.’ But a less impressed observer replied: ‘He’s so impolite and dramatic.’ Another follower said: ‘How many times do people have to be told to stay out of their way? Don’t treat them like photo props and don’t touch their horses.’ A fourth said: ‘Why does he have to yell like that though. Relax guy.’ Traditionally, guards stand still while on sentry duty, which lasts for two hours, before they then have a four-hour break.
They must work regardless of the weather, and must follow strict rules such as not grinning or laughing, which can result in a £200 fine. Guards are not generally allowed to talk to the general public, but in certain circumstances, such as when people obstruct them, they can shout a warning to get them to move. It is not the first time a member of the public has been shocked by the reaction of a guard. In February, footage emerged of a guard frustrated with a tourist who twice tried to grab his horse’s reins. The woman, wearing a white coat, navy skirt and black boots, was seen smiling as she tries to pose for a picture. Looking towards whoever is taking the photo, she then makes her first attempt to hold on to the horse’s reins. This prompts an angry response from the soldier in red who screams: ‘Get off the reins!’, startling the young woman. The roar is enough to send away another woman wearing a black fur coat.