King’s Guard melts hearts by breaking protocol in rare move for photo with fan

King’s Guard melts hearts by breaking protocol in rare move for photo with fan

A King’s Guard has stolen the hearts of Brits after video footage of him allowing a man with Down’s syndrome to get in a photo was released online – the man’s carer couldn’t believe it. A King’s Guard has been praised for posing with a man with Down’s syndrome in a rare breach in protocol. Mike van Erp, also known as YouTuber Cycling Mikey, said he had taken the youngster to get a photo at Buckingham Palace and had tried to stand close to the Guard.  In a video clip online, the sweet Guard moved nearer to the pair so they could capture their day at the Horse Guards Parade.

“What a nice man. What a cool thing to do,” Mike said to the young man as they walked away. The 50-year-old carer shared the footage online and said he had “tears” in his eyes after the heartwarming gesture. Speaking about what happened, Mike explained: “I’ve worked for his family and him for a decade now. We were out on a cycle ride on my tandem bicycle and stopped by the Horse Guards Parade.”

Mike thanked the guard for the kind gesture

“I’m lucky I had good parents and went to a Jesuit school that cared about me and taught me well, same for the young lad I’m with. Tears in my eyes.” Twitter users were touched by the video and commended the Guard. One person commented: “Lovely gesture of kindness. All the guards do an exceptional job with so many tourists.”

The Guard moved closer to them so they could get a better photo

Another wrote: “Total respect to this Guard especially as this young lad was nervous and total respect to the lads guardian for saying thank you wish more tourists were like him.” A third person said: “This Guard never fails to melt my heart. That act of kindness brought a lump to my throat. What a sweetheart he is. Your kindness will come back to you young man. God Bless you.” While someone else added: “Much respect for this King’s Guard! He was aware of the situation, and acted with honor.”