Queen’s Guard Breaks All The Rules To Pose For Photo With 4-Yr-Old “Soldier.”

Queen’s Guard Breaks All The Rules To Pose For Photo With 4-Yr-Old “Soldier.”

No trip to England would be complete without a trip to Windsor Castle to witness the Changing of the Guard ceremony. Each day, the guards tasked with protecting the Queen march in procession on the grounds of Windsor Castle so that the Regiment can hand over duty to the New Guard. Tourist Joanna Feng happened to be visiting the grounds one chilly January day and wound up capturing an incredibly special and rare moment.


While Joanna was waiting for the procession to appear, she noticed a little boy dressed up as one of the Regimen. Marshall Scott is only four years old, but he is completely enamored with the idea of the Queen’s Guard. His mom even gave him a tiny replica of the Guard’s summer uniform so that he can play dress-up anytime he wants. This particular day happened to be Marshall’s birthday, so his mom surprised him with a visit to see the Guard in person. Joanna happened to capture the adorable moment when Marshall saw his idols in the flesh for the first time. The best part of this interaction? The Guard saw him, too.

As the Guards pass into their quarters after a long shift, little Marshall stands at attention and gives them a very serious salute. As we’d expect, the Guards do not react at all to the sweet child’s presence. These officers are highly trained and renowned for their stalwart appearance. Many a tourist has tried to break their deadpan expressions or induce a reaction of some kind, only to find that these men are like Fort Knox! And yet….

Right after the Guards left the grounds, one of the soldiers does an about-face and returns to the little boy. He gestures for the child to come to him and you can see Marshall’s mom scrambling in her purse for her camera. The Guard’s name is Lance Corporal Paul Edden, and he clearly couldn’t resist giving this tiny version of himself a nod of encouragement.

The Guard stood stock-still and allowed Marshall’s mom (and Joanna) to take a picture or two. He then gave the little boy a solemn nod of his bushy head and returned to the barracks. Joanna, who witnessed and recorded the whole scene, described the moment as “one of the best moments in my life.”

We’re certain that Marshall and his mom could say the same thing. Who knows, this small act of kindness from Lance Corporal Edden could encourage Marshall to become a Guard himself one day. It never costs a thing to be kind, and that kindness creates a ripple effect felt around the world.